Around the World
I am currently exhausted, sunburnt, dry-eyed and loving every minute of it. This summer is all about adventures for me. Would you like to here adventure #1? Lets see if you can see it from my point of view…
Not being packed the day before I left, I got one hour of sleep before I had to leave my house for the airport at 4:30ish in the morning. I boarded my plane in Seattle at 6:25am and was soon leaving a face print on the airplane seat window…why you ask? Well, lets just say McDonalds and Burger King spokespeople #1 and 2 sat next to me. Bound for New Jersey I was in awe of the beauty I saw from the air. Mt. Rainier was bursting out of the clouds, which looked like a sea of cotton balls. New Jersey was crap, so we can skip that part. After an hour and a half layover in that hell hole, I boarded my plane bound for Athens, Greece! I actually got a whole row to myself for the 10 hour flight! After seeing a sunset and a sunrise, I arrived at the Athens airport only to wait to board another flight to my home away from home, Mykonos.
Now this is where the fun begins.
Trip to Greece: $1500. Food bought throughout my 16 hrs of traveling: $10. Arriving at the Mykonos airport only to have no one show up to pick you up, no one answering their phones, and having no idea where you are suppost to be: Priceless. What. The. Hell.
I waited in line for a taxi for about 30 minutes since there are only like….3 taxis on this whole island. I went to the only place I knew where to go…my friend Theo’s restaurant! He let me hang out until I could meet up with my new roomies Holly (from UK) and Alison (from Boston). We also live with a Italian named Georgia and soon 3 boys that will be arriving in a week.
Now guys…my apartment…it is the BIGGEST house in the town. It is BEAUTIFUL. My room is about 4 rooms but together with extremely high ceilings and windows that look out to the sea. As in…the waves crash about 10 feet below onto my apartment. I have a ladder that leads up to bay windows which I can open and close and go out onto the deck…which I happily share with a family of pigeons.
We have an upstairs with rooms just as large and the a third floor that goes to the roof. Even though this is a very expensive and awesome location…it is like a frat house that is in desperate needs to repair. Ceilings leak when upstairs shows are taken, plaster is falling off the walls, the bathrooms are weird, no hot water…but hey, the view is unbelievable.
So onto my job. Every day, us 3 girls get on a bus at 2pm and drive 15 minutes to a popular beach/hostel called “Paradise Beach.” We “promote” aka…sit in lawn chairs and tan.Then we come back for about a 4 hour break (which i am on now) then around 9ish we walk around the corner from our apartment to the most famous club on the island. We then pass out stuff to tourists and hang out at the bar until 4:30am listening to top 40, 80’s and house music. It is awesome. We get treated like princesses all over this island because of the bar reputation. We get discounts on EVERYTHING.
Anyway। I was a bit homesick the first day since nothing went right. But now I realize…oh my gosh,I am in Greece. I am in an apartment literally built into the ocean floor and every night I go to sleep with the sound of the waves knocking on my window. And every morning I hear birds chirping, the sun on my face, the breeze on my skin and the ocean at my finger tips.